Physiotherapy – What You Should Know

Physio in Adelaide is a form of health care, which involves the use of the most modern techniques to help patients improve their health and well-being. The term ‘physiotherapy’ is derived from the Greek word which means ‘handyman’. This type of medical treatment involves the use of manual therapy to help patients recover from injuries. As a result, they are able to move their arms, legs and hands more freely. Physiotherapy is also used to help patients manage pain, such as back pain, neck pain, hip pain and nerve pain. A skilled physiotherapist can help you overcome physical obstacles such as arthritis and bone fractures.


A number of people visit a physiotherapist in Adelaide for rehabilitation services. These include individuals who had sustained injuries, as well as those who have had accidents that were traumatic and painful. Most of these injuries can be helped with physiotherapy. For individuals, this can include sprains, ligament injuries and dislocations. In some cases, a physiotherapist may also recommend resistance training, swimming and other aerobic and strength-training exercises. When it comes to back pain, one of the main benefits from Physio in Adelaide is being able to go back to work and resume normal activities.


Unfortunately, there are many instances where individuals choose not to go to a physiotherapist after an injury or accident because they think that they will have to pay a lot for the services. Unfortunately, in low-priced services, there can also be compromises on the type of services provided. For example, some physios in Adelaide offer only in-home sessions instead of going to a hospital or doctor’s clinic. As a result, you may miss out on physiotherapy treatments that could get you back into action quickly.


The primary goal of a good Physio in Adelaide program is to help reduce pain and improve range of motion, circulation and flexibility. One of the most common issues associated with back pain is muscle imbalance. One way that a qualified physiotherapist in Adelaide can achieve this is by doing stretches and strengthening exercises. Stretching is the most important thing because it improves blood flow and allows the muscles to move more freely. It also reduces the amount of stiffness that develops and helps the muscles regain flexibility.


For patients who get back pain physiotherapy in Adelaide, it is crucial to go through the program as prescribed. Some of the most common issues treated at a physiotherapy clinic include herniated discs, ligament injuries, strains, knee injuries, back pain and herniated disks. Many people may find that a simple special stretch or strengthening exercise will get them back on their feet without any medical intervention. However, other medical conditions need medical intervention in order to treat the underlying cause. For example, patients with a degenerative bone disease, such as osteoarthritis, may require surgery or other more invasive treatments.