With a Tesla novated lease, you can take advantage of several benefits to get you on the road sooner and save money over time. Enjoy software updates and advanced autopilot features to ensure your Tesla stays up-to-date!

Novated leases offer an excellent financial option beyond traditional loans and car-buying methods. Learn more about them here at novatedev.com.au/car-details/2022-tesla-model-y-rwd and discover if one may work for you!

Save on car ownership costs.

Tesla novated leaseAre you searching for ways to reduce car ownership costs? Then, a Tesla novated lease may be just the right solution. By choosing this contract type, you could save on fuel, registration, maintenance and tyre costs, lower monthly payments, and frequent upgrades.

Finding a Tesla novated lease to meet your needs and budget is straightforward – find your model of interest, then utilize their loan calculator to calculate monthly payments.

Novated leasing is an ideal solution for people who can’t afford to purchase an outright vehicle, offering lease payments based on pre-tax income – saving them on taxes while leasing a car!

Novated lease arrangements can also save money regarding the purchase price of your vehicle and running costs by taking advantage of the government’s GST discount. For instance, buying a Tesla Model Y could save as much as $5,885 off its price through this arrangement.

Novated leases also help you save on electricity charges by using less gasoline for your vehicle than conventional ones, helping reduce your electricity bill significantly – an invaluable benefit in these trying economic times.

As with any vehicle leased through a contract, an electric car requires servicing and maintenance during its lease term; these costs should typically be included within its terms and conditions so that additional payments won’t be needed for these services.

Should the need arise for you to use a commercial charging station from time to time, your novated lease payment can cover these charges directly.

Get on the environmentally-friendly road sooner.

Novated leases are an effective way of purchasing a Tesla vehicle without incurring upfront expenses. They allow you to make monthly payments using your salary, thus lowering tax bills while giving you the flexibility of upgrading during your lease term if desired.

Depending on your financial situation, a Tesla novated lease could be ideal for entering the environmentally-friendly vehicle scene sooner than anticipated. A recent survey indicates that 57% of Australians would consider switching if offered as part of a novated lease agreement. Learn more about them here at novatedev.com.au/car-details/2022-tesla-model-y-rwd.

This lease form can be found on most Tesla models, including the Model 3, and is an attractive alternative to purchasing an EV outright. Benefits of such lease deals include lower monthly payments and no down payment requirement – however, to qualify, your credit score needs to be good to receive one.

The Tesla financing calculator can assist in helping you decide whether a lease or cash payments are best suited to you and indicate how much money could be saved by purchasing at the end of a lease term.

But before making your decision to lease an EV, be aware that rates have experienced a drastic decrease over the last year due to high demand, new affordable models joining the market, and limited inventory availability.

Find a lease deal that suits your needs.

Are you searching for ways to cut costs when it comes to car ownership costs? A Tesla novated lease may be necessary, available exclusively to full-time Australian employees and provides access to brand-new Teslas without interest charges or monthly payments.

When seeking out lease deals, consider the total costs over its term. People often focus on monthly payments as part of this assessment, but this only represents part of the overall expense.

Car lease costs can differ widely depending on the terms and conditions of each contract, from monthly payments to excess mileage fees and per-mile charges.

Be honest when setting your annual mileage goal. Driving more than 15,000 miles could end up costing extra money over time.

Many lenders provide an annual mileage cap that you can select. To keep costs as low as possible, opt for one which falls lower than your typical drive mileage.